9. Joseph4 Chaney (Jacob3, Charles2, Richard1 Cheyney) (#1277) was born on (birth date unknown).
He married an unknown person. Joseph Chaney, the son of Sarah and Jacob Chaney, settled about one mile north of his father's home place, on the land owned at the time of the writing by H. Watson Chaney, here he was engaged in farming all of his life. In accordance with my knowledge, Joseph raised only two boys. One was named Rueben, the name of the other one I have never been able to find. He imigrated somewhere-- it is supposed to have been the Western part of this country. written in 1907 by Henry Watson Chaney
Joseph Chaney had the following child:
Rueben5 Chaney was born before. 1848, the first
event for which there is a recorded date.
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