1. Richard1 Cheyney (#2120) was born in Kent, England 1627.(85)
He married twice. He married an unknown person. He married Eleanor. (Eleanor is #2122.) Abraham Chaney b.1760 @@Halifax, Virginia. Abram's father, Jacob, (b.1715) did come from Anne Arundel Co., MD; and, his father, Charles, b. June 6, 1673, did have a half-brother, Richard 'b.1649/ 1650'. They are sons of the CHEYNEY emigrant, *Richard (b.`1627) in Kent, Eng. Posted to Genforum by Preston Glenn Humphrey on April 26, 1998 Richard Cheyney m. Eleanor son Charles Cheney m. Ann Jones another son Richard Cheyney m. Rachel Nicholson son Green Berry Chaney married cousin daughter Elizabeth Chaney ?their son Green Berry Chaney b. Md d. 1779 Wilkes Co, Ga - was a lawyer there ?his son Green Berry Chaney d 1830/40 Washington Co, Alabama m. Elizabeth Middlebrooks dau of Isaac Middlebrooks & Elizabeth Perkins their son Gren Berry Chaney b. 1794 Wilkes Co, Ga m 1821 Marengo Co, Ala Caroline Hainsworth daughter Sarah C. "Sally" Chaney b 1825 Washington Co, Ala d. Marengo Co, Ala m. 1839 sumter Co, Ala Arthur Meriwether Lewis there also was another generation of Green Berry's - brother to Sarah Posted to Genforum by Dianne Conaway Blankenstein on November 15, 1997
Richard Cheyney had the following child:
Richard2 Cheyney (#2121) was born ABT. 1650. He
married Rachel Nicholson. (Rachel Nicholson is #2126.)
Richard Cheyney and Eleanor had the following child:
Charles Chaney was born June 16, 1673.
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