5. James Monroe5 Simpson (John4, John3, Archibald2, William1) (#51) was born in Gibson County, Indiana, United States ABT 1845.
He married Laura Fullerton. (Laura Fullerton is #52.) Laura was born in Owensville, Gibson County, Indiana, United States ABT. 1845. Laura is the daughter of Charles Fulerton and Laura Meyer.
James Monroe Simpson and Laura Fullerton had the following child:
Estella6 Simpson (#13) was born in Owensville, Gibson County, Indiana, United
States June 4, 1872.(647) Estella died July
3, 1939 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States, at 67 years of age.(648) She married Nathan Dixon Hunt in Mount Carmel, Wabash County,
Illinois, United States, CA 24 FEB 1896.(649)
(Nathan Dixon Hunt is #12.) Nathan was born in Dixon Station, Greene, Indiana, United States June 21, 1875.(650) Nathan was the son of Horatio Peter Hunt and
Sarah Anne Gregg Walker Lockwood Dixon. Nathan died September 8, 1949 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States,
at 74 years of age.(651) (See Nathan Dixon Hunt for the continuation of this line.)
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