11. Thomas4 Chaney (Jacob3, Charles2, Richard1 Cheyney) (#1280) was born on (birth date unknown).
He married an unknown person. Thomas Chaney, the son of Sarah and Jacob Chaney, settled on the south side of Birch Creek, two miles Northeast of Laurel Grove, Virginia. Here he lived all of his life, though little is known as to his age, date of death and the place of his burial. Thomas was married, but I do not know his wife's maiden name. To this union there was born only one son, and to whom Thomas gave his own name, Thomas. While living, Thomas was a farmer by occupation and it seems was a prominent business man, as he left valuable property to heirs at his death. written in 1907 by Henry Watson Chaney
Thomas Chaney had the following child:
Thomas5 Chaney was born on (birth date
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