1. James Robert1 McKee (#1647) was born in Madison, Indiana December 9, 1857.(578) James died October 21, 1942 in Greenwich, Connecticut, United States, at 84 years of age.(579)
He married Mary Scott Harrison in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, November 5, 1884.(580) (Mary Scott Harrison is #1641.) Mary was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States April 3, 1858.(581) Mary was the daughter of Benjamin Harrison and Caroline Lavinia Scott. Mary died October 28, 1930 in Greenwich, Connecticut, United States, at 72 years of age.(582)
James Robert McKee and Mary Scott Harrison had the following children:
Mary Dodge2 McKee (#1648) was born on (birth date unknown).
Benjamin Harrison McKee (#1649) was born 1887.(583) Possibly was the best-advertised youngster ever in the White House. Because he was the
grandson of a President who was in turn the grandson of a President the newspapers seized upon him.
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