1. Zack1 Nichols (#242) was born before 1862, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
He married Harriet Taylor Dixon AFT 1862. (Harriet Taylor Dixon is #205.) Harriet was born June 11, 1847.(594) Harriet was the daughter of Daniel Gregg Dixon and Mary Jane Walker. Harriet died January 10, 1878 in Illinois, United States, at 30 years of age.(595)
Zack Nichols and Harriet Taylor Dixon had the following children:
Dan2 Nichols was born before 1937, the first
event for which there is a recorded date.
Sadie Nichols (#244) was born 1865. She married Ed Brown AFT 1880. (Ed Brown is #250.)
(See Ed Brown for the continuation of this line.)
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