1. Wm Oliver1 Sandel (#68) was born ABT 1825.
He married Roxanna Harrison ABT 1898. (Roxanna Harrison is #69.) Roxanna was born ABT 1837. Roxanna was the daughter of Joseph H. Harrison and Mary Johnson.
Wm Oliver Sandel and Roxanna Harrison had the following children:
Mary Winifred2 Sandel (#65) was born May 31, 1857. Mary died March 5, 1949
at 91 years of age. She married Benjamin Franklin Sparks. (Benjamin Franklin Sparks is #64.) Benjamin
was born ABT 1850. Benjamin was the son of Issac H. Sparks and Mary Francis Porter. (See Benjamin
Franklin Sparks for the continuation of this line.)
Bob Sandel (#1119) was born 1862.
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