1. Clark1 Anderson (#646) was born in Green Forest, Carroll County, Arkansas, United States CA 27 Jan 1909.
He married Ethel Irene Chaney in Carroll Co, AR, December 1, 1935. Ethel Irene CHANEY Family 1: Jay Clark ANDERSON
MARRIAGE: 1 Dec 1935, Carroll Co., AR
(Ethel Irene Chaney is #451.)
Ethel was born in Rule, Carroll County, Arkansas, United States CA 21 Jan 1918. Ethel Irene CHANEY
BIRTH: 21 Jan 1918, Rule Community, Carroll Co., AR
Ethel was the daughter of Archie Crill Chaney and Safroney Alice McKinney.
Ethel died October 7, 1994 in Berryville, Carroll County, Arkansas, United States, at 76 years of age. Ethel Irene CHANEY
DEATH: 7 Oct 1994, Berryville, Carroll Co., AR
Her body was interred October 10, 1994 in Carroll Countyh, Arkansas, United States, Yocum Cememtary. Ethel Irene CHANEY
BURIAL: 10 Oct 1994, Buried Yocum Cem, (Carroll) AR
Clark Anderson and Ethel Irene Chaney had the following children:
Joe Lee2 Anderson (#2173) was born on (birth date unknown).
Ginnie Jean Anderson (#2174) was born on (birth date unknown).
Alice Marie Anderson (#2175) was born on (birth date unknown).
Joyce Dean Anderson (#647) was born in Berryville, Carroll County, Arkansas, United States July 23, 1939. She married Keith Stewart in Berryville, Carroll County, Arkansas, United States, January 3, 1960.
(Keith Stewart is #961.) Keith was born December 29, 1938. (See Keith Stewart for the continuation
of this line.)
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