55. James Marvel9 Chaney (William Wesley8, Robert E.7, Robert D.6, Francis5, Francis4, Francis3 Cheney, Thomas2, Robert1 Cheyny) (#372) was born in Coryell County, Texas, United States June 22, 1904. James died April 26, 1959 in Lampasas, Lampasas County, Texas, United States, at 54 years of age.
He married Jewell D. Cox in Mcgregor, McLennan County, Texas, United States, 1926. (Jewell D. Cox is #743.) Jewell was born in Mcgregor, McLennan County, Texas, United States August 11, 1910. Jewell died March 13, 1966 in Mart, Mclennan County, Texas, United States, at 55 years of age.
James Marvel Chaney and Jewell D. Cox had the following children:
Carroll Dewell10 Chaney was born September 22,
James Darrell Chaney was born October 29, 1929.
Billy Robert Chaney (#746) was born in Coryell County, Texas, United States October 15, 1931. Billy died
October 19, 1931 in Coryell County, Texas, United States, at less than one year of age.
Charles Ray Chaney was born August 30, 1932.
Mable Jane Chaney (#748) was born in Gatesville, Coryell County, Texas, United States October 28, 1935. She married Alton Wright Clark in Waco, McLennan County, Texas, United States, September 20, 1952.
(Alton Wright Clark is #768.) Alton was born January 29, 1930. (See Alton Wright Clark for the
continuation of this line.)
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