79. Billy Jack10 Chaney (Columbus Jackson9, Christopher Columbus8, Robert E.7, Robert D.6, Francis5, Francis4, Francis3 Cheney, Thomas2, Robert1 Cheyny) (#6) was born in Gorman, Eastland County, Texas, United States November 3, 1928. B.J. died December 29, 1997 in East Wenatchee, Grant County, Washington, United States, at 69 years of age.
He married Martha Dixon Nicholas in Greeley, Weld County, Colorado, United States, June 7, 1947. (Martha Dixon Nicholas is #7.) Martha was born in Oak Park, Cook County, Illinois, United States July 27, 1926. Martha is the daughter of John Robert Nicholas and Anna Dixon Hunt.
Billy Jack Chaney and Martha Dixon Nicholas had the following children:
Robert Jackson11 Chaney Go Page was born December 28, 1951.
Debra Jeanne Chaney (#8) was born in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas, United States May 29, 1954.
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